The 15 minute public participation slot has now been fully booked for Full Council tonight (Monday 16th September). The room is being reconfigured to accommodate more attendees, but the maximum...
September Full Council Meeting – Monday 16th September 2024
The agenda for Full Council on Monday is available to view here One of the agenda items for consideration is for the Parish Council to undertake feasibility studies and produce artwork for a...
Conclusion of Audit on 2023-2024 Annual Governance and Accountability Return
The external auditors have completed their work on the 2023-2024 accounts. The updated documents with the Notice of Conclusion of Audit have now been uploaded. There were no comments from the...
Franklin Gardens Development
Histon & Impington Parish Council has written to the Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC), Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) and the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP)...
Council Launches Survey to Prioritise Highways Improvement Funding
Histon and Impington Parish Council would like to get feedback on what our priorities should be for improving the highways within the village. There are wide range of options that could be acted...
Repairs required to items at The Green Play Area
Following our recent play area equipment inspections, issues have been found which need to be addressed on the flat swings and the cradle swings at the Play Area at the Village Green. These two items...
Youth Shelter Repainting
Our Youth Shelter located at School Hill has recently been repainted! Many Thanks to The Youth Provision Working Group led by Councillor Louise Wilbraham for their hard work on this...
Our Committees and what they do
Police Commissioner urges residents to have their say
Police and Crime Commissioner Darryl Preston has launched a short online survey for residents to tell him their views on crime and disorder as he produces a new plan for the county. The plan sets...
2023-2024 Accounts open for inspection
The Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for 2023 -2024 has now been submitted to the external Auditor, and a copy of the unaudited Return is posted on the website. The accounts are...