
Histon & Impington Parish Council – Report of meeting 20th February

Council held its regular meeting on the 20th, which was well attended by residents interested in the outcome of discussions and decisions on the agenda.

Histon & Impington Green Spaces (HIGS)

The most significant of the decisions taken was regarding a request for funding HIGS, the charity taking over the Abbey Fields for the community. Council approved 4 motions, with a total potential cost to the Council of almost £85,000.

The effect of these decisions was to give the HIGS Trustees confidence to move forward to complete the purchase of the remaining site – the Croft Close Set Aside (CCSA). At the same time, there was a good possibility that significant further funding would be made available, given the Council’s decision.

In recognition of the hard work by all concerned, and that this would mean that CCSA, a recently recognised County Wildlife Site, would shortly be safely in the hands of the charity, Councillors burst into spontaneous applause.


Council discussed arrangements for events in the village to celebrate the forthcoming coronation of the King. Cllr Davies reported a Coronation Boogie Night being organised on Saturday 6th May and a walk on the 7th that would be starting and finishing at the Recreation Ground. Cllr Stonham reported that a number of churches were at the early stage of planning the showing of the Coronation on the day. Cllr Davies indicated that a family oriented event was being considered for the 8th.

Council was keen to support any other groups who might be organising events for the weekend and Bank Holiday. Funding of up to £500 would be available. Applications should be made to the Parish Clerk (, telephone 235906).

Pay It Forward

A Pay It Forward scheme is in place to help pay for lunches for children at the village’s schools who are unable to pay. Both Girton and Histon & Impington Parish Council brought this scheme forward for approval at Council following discussions with a number of village schools.  The scheme received unanimous support from both Councils.  HIPC Clerk and Vice-Chair will be working together to progress this and report back to Council.