We are delighted to say the Pat Fleet Memorial bench has now arrived and been installed on site at School Hill. We are in the process of organising an event to commemorate Pat's memory and show the...
Village Life
Additional Give Way signs at Mill Lane junction
The Highways, Drainage and Formal Spaces Committee have agreed to pursue additional Give Way signs for the junction of Mill Lane onto Ambrose Way. Residents have raised concerned with the arrangement...
Beyond ‘I Don’t Like It’: Crafting Powerful Responses to Planning Applications in Our Community
When a planning application is submitted that affects our village, it's important to know how to respond effectively. Understanding the planning process, the hierarchy of planning documents, and...
Franklin Gardens Development
Histon & Impington Parish Council has written to the Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC), Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) and the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP)...
Youth Shelter Repainting
Our Youth Shelter located at School Hill has recently been repainted! Many Thanks to The Youth Provision Working Group led by Councillor Louise Wilbraham for their hard work on this...
Installation of new equipment at the Play Area at the Green
We are pleased to say that a new roundabout is being installed next week (1st July onwards) at the play area at the Green. There is work to be done to prepare the area which will mean soil having to...
Pump Track item on tonight’s Full Council agenda deferred to a later date
Working with members of the Pump Track Charity, the Parish Council has decided to defer the Pump Track item on the agenda tonight (17th June 2024) to an Extra Ordinary meeting of Council (date and...
Youth provision review under way at Histon & Impington Parish Council
Thank you to HI Hub for an article published on 6th June on the work of our new HIPC Youth Provision Group. This article submitted by our group and written up by Lucy Callington of HI Hub explains...
80th Anniversary of D-Day
On the 80th anniversary of D-Day, a day when people remember the sacrifice of so many, Histon & Impington Parish Council remember all the names on our Peace Memorial today. Histon &...
Planned maintenance at the Play Areas at the Recreation Ground and the Green
The remedial work to be done to play equipment and safety surfaces at the Play Areas at the Village Green and the Recreation Ground has now been pulled forward to begin on Wednesday 11th October,...