
Increasing Biodiversity in the Villages

The Parish Council has been working with Histon and Impington Community Orchard, Histon and Impington Trees Action Group and Histon and Impington Green Spaces on Natural England’s Nature Recovery Project.

Various mini projects are in the process of being undertaken to improve biodiversity at selected sites. This includes installing bird & bat boxes; creating small structures to provide habitat for hedgehogs, lizards, insects etc. and the sowing wildflowers.  The project also included the improvement of the hedgerows for wildlife at the Community Orchard with traditional hedge-laying.

Initial ground preparation works have been undertaken for wildflower seed planting at Manor Field, on a verge next to the B1049, Clay Close Lane Verge, and Doctor’s Close Pocket Park as part of the project. Full details will become available later in the year as the project continues. Volunteers will be needed to help with the completion of the ground preparation and sowing of seeds. The enviro-volunteers have already assisted with the installation of the owl and small bird boxes and will continue to offer their support with the wildflowers.

The Parish Council are delighted to be taking part in the Cambridge Nature Network – Nature Recovery Project and is grateful for the funding provided by Natural England and the support from Cambridge Past, Present and Future