
September Full Council – Monday 16th September 2024

The 15 minute public participation slot has now been fully booked for Full Council tonight (Monday 16th September).

The room is being reconfigured to accommodate more attendees, but the maximum the room can accommodate seated is 40, 27 of those are already taken by Councillors, staff and residents (that the Council is aware are attending). Due to the layout of the room, to retain the fire exits and a walk way, there will be no standing spaces available.

If the capacity of the room is reached and staff and councillors feel health & safety requirements cannot be met, the item may be deferred off the agenda again.

The motions proposed on the agenda are to allow the Parish Council to undertake due diligence on these sites and seek the views of residents if either of the sites are deemed feasible at a later date by means of full publicity and public meeting.

The Parish Council will not take a decision regarding the provision of a Pump Track on any Parish Council land without consulting residents.