The cyclic gully cleaning programme which is undertaken by the County Council has started in the villages in the south of the county and will continue over the next few weeks, and this includes...
Urgent Tree Work at Homefield Park
The Parish Council has tree surveys undertaken on its parish-owned sites every three years, and the latest one was undertaken in February 2023. The reports were received, and some further testing...
Repair work at the Crossing at the Green
Soil has been delivered to the Green in advance of work starting on the worn area at the crossing. Work is scheduled to start on Monday 9th October 2023, and once the area has been seeded, access...
Planned maintenance at the Play Areas at the Recreation Ground and the Green
The remedial work to be done to play equipment and safety surfaces at the Play Areas at the Village Green and the Recreation Ground has now been pulled forward to begin on Wednesday 11th October,...
Histon and Impington 20mph scheme coming in 2024
If you wish to see the 20mph survey results, please click here Proposals for 20mph scheme covering the majority of Histon and Impington look set for delivery in early 2024. Plans for the Histon...
Internship/Consultancy Opportunity – Histon & Impington Nature Recovery Plan
Data collation and presentation for a Histon & Impington Nature Recovery Plan Background In the Histon Neighbourhood Plan the Histon & Impington Parish Council commits to “Project...
20mph Statutory Consultation for Histon and Impington
The County Council have today (5 July 2023) launched a statutory consultation into 20mph speed limits across the Parishes. Early plans had residents frustrated at the omission of the Park Primary...
Painting of play equipment at the Green and the Recreation Ground Play Areas
Work will begin tomorrow (27th June) to paint the slide at the play area at the Green, and the slide and tractor at the play area at the Recreation Ground. The items will be fenced off while work is...
HIPC Manorial Waste Enhancement – Work due to start ready for Feast Event
Work on the open space at the Manorial Waste/ School Hill site is due to start on Monday 12th June and will likely take around two weeks to complete. The upgrade of the area is designed to...
Planting at the Brook
Two of the Parish Council’s committees have been working with residents to plan the planting up of two of the new bunds that were created at the Brook when it was last dredged by SCDC. The purpose...