The Parish Council have now completed health and safety work on two of the first six sites we have prioritised for tree works, with two trees left to be completed on a third site after nesting season.
There are now three more sites which will have work undertaken in the coming weeks: the Coppice, week beginning 24th June; the Recreation Ground, also week commencing 24th June, and the Copse, week beginning 1st July. All will have surveys undertaken for bird nesting, and work stopped on any trees which have nests in them or on which nesting activity is observed, but we need to balance the health and safety aspect of the trees continuing to decay if we delay work as well as any diseases such as sooty bark disease spreading more readily in summer. The contractors will also check trees as they climb them for any signs of nesting birds or bat roosts. Please note the contractors have advised us they will close off all access into The Coppice and the Copse while they are working to avoid any members of the public or residents wandering into their work zones.
Once the high priority sites have been actioned, we will be looking at all our sites to see where more work is needed, in order to plan schedules of work for the coming Autumn.