Histon and Impington Parish Council

Finance, Governance and Legal Committee Meeting 7th October 2024 deferred

The Finance, Governance and Legal Committee have taken the decision to defer the meeting on Monday 7th October 2024 until a potential new date of Tuesday 15th October 2024 (to be confirmed). This follows the receipt of a formal complaint regarding the late availability of supporting papers. This potential new date allows for the full agenda pack to be circulated and uploaded to the website at the same time as the agenda, to enable councillors and residents to have all the relevant information to consider items on the agenda in a timely manner, rather than a partial pack.

One of the items was the motion to replace the swings at the Village Green and repair the basket swing at the Recreation Ground, which has been added to this agenda in order to expedite the work. This item would not normally come to this committee, but it was added in order to gain approval more quickly than taking to Full Council in two weeks’ time. The second contractor quote, although requested with sufficient notice and progressed by staff, was not received and then shared with Councillors until Tuesday 1st October, and there were still queries from Councillors on the paper on Wednesday 2nd October.  As it is a decision that needs to be made quickly and reliably, it was felt that all the information relevant should be at hand before the paper was finalised and published. Meetings have to be called with a statutory three clear days’ notice, so the agenda was published, and a decision taken internally to delay the publication of the papers with a view of finalising supporting papers which resulted in the formal complaint. There were also policy papers which were incomplete.