
Council Launches Survey to Prioritise Highways Improvement Funding

Histon and Impington Parish Council would like to get feedback on what our priorities should be
for improving the highways within the village. There are wide range of options that could be
acted upon, ranging from relatively simple standalone schemes such as improved signs or road
markings, all the way up to complex interventions like new pedestrian crossings or redesigned
junctions. Each that may have wide-ranging benefits and impacts on the village.

The Highways, Drainage & Formal Spaces (HD&FS) committee would like to understand what
residents biggest issues are when traveling around the village on foot or cycle (or similar). We
have collected a set of concerns raised within previous surveys the committee has conducted.
The committee’s focus on walking and cycling is taken from the H&I Neighbourhood Plan*
priority 4 ‘Getting Around’. We hope that delivery will contribute to that plan’s project 2 ‘Creation
of more extensive cycle path network’ and supports the Parish Council goal to reduce carbon emissions,
as part of having declared a Climate Emergency. We are specifically looking at funding that is available
for Highways Improvements. The funding being applied for is not available for regular maintenance
such as filling potholes and refreshing existing road markings.

Please note that a few issues have been deliberately missed off this survey as there are already
projects in progress to improve them.

  • The previous Local Highways Initiative (LHI) funding bid for a raised crossing at the
    mouth of Station Road from Co-op to the Boot remains in progress. A decision from
    County Council is due September 2024 at the earliest, having been delayed by the general
  • The committee continues to review all barriers on pedestrian paths in the village to
    understand impact on users, with a view to removing or redesigning to improve
    accessibility. The first round of implementation is currently being tendered to designers
    and contractors.
  • County Council are leading a project to add a pedestrian crossings and make path
    widening improvements around the B1049/A14 and Cambridge Road junction. At this
    stage a timeline is unclear.
  • The Parish Council continues to press the County Council to prioritise road surface
    repairs in the village independently of any specific improvement projects.

The survey should allow HD&FS committee to prioritise locations within the villages for
detailed evaluation of potential solution and allow consultation with the community to evaluate
benefits verses impacts. These are our areas of interest, though you can of course raise others.

Location Issue being addressed
Station Road Difficulty traveling along Station Road due to high traffic levels
High Street Difficulty crossing the High Street in the area between Stir / Library

and St Andrew’s Centre / Red Lion

Glebe Way Difficulty crossing Glebe Way around the Pages Close area
Girton Not having a safe, well surfaced off-road option between Histon and

Girton, resulting in a longer, less pleasant trip

The Crescent Issues crossing the Crescent (north end) due to large opening
Recreation Ground Frustration at long journey length between the Guided Busway and

the Recreation Ground / New Road

Tesco Difficulty crossing Tesco car park entrance
Burgoynes Road Unpleasant/Unsafe environment along narrow sections of Burgoynes


Park Primary Issues near Park Primary due to speed of cars on Glebe Way (B1049)
Park Primary Issues near Park Primary due to large numbers of cars parking in

Narrow Close and Cottenham Road.

IVC Issues near IVC along New Road due to traffic levels, narrow

pavements and amount of car parking

Home Close Crossing Home Close where it joins the High Street

A map to illustrate the location called out within the survey is available at

The Survey form is available at

* The H&I Neighbourhood Plan is available here