
Annual Meeting of Histon & Impington Parish Council – 20th May 2024

On Monday 20th May 2024, Histon & Impington Parish Council held it’s Annual Parish Council Meeting.

Annual meetings primarily require consideration and approval of committee members together with re-election of council officers including our Proper Officer, Responsible Financial Officer, Internal Officer, Chair & Vice Chair.

It is also an opportunity to consider the direction of the Council (including policies and procedures) and areas we would like to improve.

Some key points of the meeting are listed below:

Agenda Item 24/001
Yvonne Murray was re-elected as Chair and Edd Stonham was re-elected as Vice Chair.  This year being the only Council members standing for these positions.

Agenda Item 24/012.3
The following Working Groups and Task & Finish Groups were reinforced with new members and the conveners below:
Cambridge Science Park North (CSPN) convened by Denis Payne
Finance Request Group convened by Yvonne Murray
Neighbourhood Plan Review convened by Simon Jocelyn
Youth Provision Group convened by Louise Wilbraham

The following working groups were discontinued and the transferred as follows:
Youth Shelter Group transferred to Youth Provision Group
Gate Access System Group transferred to Wellbeing, Recreation & Leisure Committee
Security Improvements Group transferred to Wellbeing, Recreation & Leisure Committee

Agenda Item 24/014
Histon and Impington Parish council also is considering the increased use of working groups at both Committee and Full Council level to increase the opportunity for detailed discussion, collaboration and understanding to improve use of both staff and council time, project delivery and decision-making.

The above decisions taken at our Annual Meeting should allow Councillors to get involved in projects across different committees and to increase access for residents to join in working group discussions.

The meeting ended promptly at 9.01pm with our Clerk/Proper Officer confirming that clear minutes were able to be taken and decisions had proved seamless.

To find our more please review the minutes from our meeting, please click here.

Please also check in on all our HIPC updates to see how the work of HIPC may impact you as a resident of Histon & Impington.

Hope to see you at future Council Meetings and at this year’s Feast to chat about what we are doing at HIPC.

Yvonne Murray
Chair of Histon & Impington Parish Council