
Additional Give Way signs at Mill Lane junction

The Highways, Drainage and Formal Spaces Committee have agreed to pursue additional Give Way signs for the junction of Mill Lane onto Ambrose Way. Residents have raised concerned with the arrangement of this junction. They are reporting that poor visibility of the existing Give Way sign combined with the junctions arrangement (Mill Lane as a turning off  Ambrose Way) causes situations where the Give Way line is not respected and collisions are a concern.

In earlier discussion between the Committee, County Council Officers and local residents an option to reconfigure the Give Way line onto Ambrose Way was discussed. Officers rejected the possibility of addressing this with changes to the line markings and Give Way signs only.  All agreed that a larger scheme to include required changes to kerb lines and road cambers (the curved profile of the road needed to efficiently shed rain water) necessary for this change would be too disruptive and expensive. All present agreed that reminders of the Give Way line via additional repeater signs was an appropriate level response to the issues observed. With the possibility to review after implementation once behaviour change was understood.

The Committee viewed two costed options from County Council; adding a new Give Way sign to the verge adjacent to the Burial Ground, and adding Give Way repeater signs to the existing lamppost on the approach to the junction. A third uncosted option of moving the existing Give Way sign to a more visible location was included for discussion.

The uncosted option was agreed as unsuitable as it would require a new signpost column, reducing usable space on the pavement for those walking. A majority of the Committee voted to proceed with the repeater signs on the existing lighting columns as this option has received previous support from local residents. The project will proceed to an appropriate Finance Committee or Full Council meeting to approve the spend.

A separate project is underway with our District Councillor Martin Cahn to replace the nameplate adjacent to Glebe Way to more accurately describe the road layout at this location.